Join the Waitlist!

Chronic illness is lonely. It's tough. And it's isolating.

Does any of this resonate with you?

 The friends you thought you'd have for life have abandoned you.

You're isolated and don't know how to make new connections with people who understand limited energy and constant symptoms.

 You want to learn coping strategies and managing your symptoms better, and know that other people with chronic illness will have the best suggestions!

 You don't know low-energy ways to pass the time and bring joy.

 You want to feel you belong somewhere. You want to be understood, welcomed, and believed.

In The Spoonity™ you can...

  • Build meaningful connections with others who understand and empathise, without you needing to educate or advocate.
  • Cultivate new low-energy hobbies and share them with others who appreciate the energy hobbies use.
  • Access a low-energy sense of community in live sessions, which are facilitated by Holly.
  • Enjoy easy access with the Kajabi Communities mobile app, making it convenient to get stuck in whenever you want.
  • Contribute to continuous improvement by submitting your feedback anonymously whenever you like.
Join the Waitlist!

What You Get In The Spoonity:

Moderated Discussion Groups

Online discussion groups (like Facebook groups) on topics like coping strategies, self-compassion, low-energy hobbies, and more!

Weekly Live Sessions

Have a gentle sense of community in sessions run by Holly, with repeats for different time zones.

Chat Function

WhatsApp-style chat function for real time conversation around a virtual water cooler with other Spoonies.

Rant Zone!

A discussion group specifically for letting off steam amongst friends who understand and believe you.

And The Following Extra Features! 🌻🥄🤝💙

Extra #1: Mobile App Access

Enjoy convenient mobile app access through the Kajabi Communities app, ensuring flexibility and the ability to get stuck into discussions directly from your phone.

Extra #2: Exclusive Discounts and Offers

Members of The Spoonity™ will be the first to know about any new Chronic Fatigue Companion products and programmes, and will receive offers and discounts not available to others.

Extra #3: Cancel at Any Time

The is no contract in The Spoonity™, pay monthly knowing that you can leave any time you want.

Join the Waitlist!

Feedback on Holly's live sessions:

"Having attended Holly's weekly guided meditation sessions and her Ultimate Pacing course for several months now, I'm really looking forward to joining her online community. Holly is a constructive, honest, warm, and flexible coach and she has a talent for facilitating welcoming and relaxed online group spaces for people with chronic illness. She has a great sense of humour, too!"

– Helen

“You have a real gift of creating a safe and relaxing space to enable us to let go and relax. One of the things I really love about Holly o'clock are the humourous comments which feel like you're being authentically you and give us permission to bring our own quirkiness along too! With deep gratitude to you Holly for being a generous and very professional companion to us on this isolating journey.”

- Anonymous

"Holly has an incredible ability to create a warm and welcoming space. I really appreciate her focus on transparency, which fosters a sense of safety.
Holly provides a framework and structure that, even in an online setting, cultivates a feeling of community and group belonging. I feel connected and part of the community."

– Noah

"I absolutely love [Holly's live sessions]! I think the fact that I haven't even missed one since I started is a testament to that. I love that they are so calm, gentle and relaxing. It's just the right amount of engagement for my brain. This means I can handle them even on really bad days. And I like the opening chat - even if I don't have the energy to write anything myself it gives me the feeling like I had some social interaction. And it's just great that everyone is in the same boat and can share useful advice or just laugh together."

– Gosia

About Holly

Meet Holly Campbell, founder of Chronic Fatigue Companion. Surviving 12 years of severe and moderate ME/CFS, she's on a mission to help you rebuild your life around the symptom 'chronic fatigue' caused by ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, Long Covid, and other illnesses.
Holly offers personalised support to navigate invisible and misunderstood illnesses, empowering you to create a meaningful life alongside your condition.
With a compassionate approach, Holly draws from personal experience, available research, and psychotherapy training to create a safe and enjoyable space for people with chronic illness to make connections and beat loneliness in low-energy ways.


 Just £19 a month

(only once you join - don't worry you won't be charged for signing up for the waitlist!)
  • Moderated discussion groups
  • Live text chat function
  • Live sessions run 3x each to allow for different time zones
  • Rant zone!
  • Extra #1: Mobile app access
  • Extra #2: Regular discounts and offers
  • Extra #3: Cancel at any time (you won't want to!)
Join the Waitlist!


Just £19 per month

(Only charged once you join, don't worry, it doesn't cost anything to join the waitlist!)

  • Moderated discussion groups
  • Live text chat function
  •  Live sessions run 3x each to cover different time zones
  • Rant zone!
  • Extra #1: Mobile app access
  • Extra #2: Regular discounts and offers
  • Extra #3: Cancel at any time (you won't want to!)
  •  Extra #4: A FREE month and discounted rate