Reset Your Rest

Hosted by Holly Campbell - Founder of Chronic Fatigue Companion, recovered after 12 years of ME/CFS


"There has to be a better way to live than this..."

I hear this all the time. And the answer is YES, there is a better way to live with chronic illness, and a better way to manage your energy.

Could pacing really be part of the answer? All the guidance on pacing that I experienced was dry, mechanical, impractical. It needed reinventing. 

So I reinvented it.

I have designed a whole curriculum of material and approaches that you can use and combine to hugely benefit your state of mind and the quality of your daily life.

Get a sense of how I teach with this FREE Masterclass to Reset Your Rest.

Learn how to:

  • Show COMPASSION to yourself with rest
  • Make rest actually RESTFUL
  • Make DAILY rest feel ACHIEVABLE

See you in there!


Holly x

P.S. If you can't make that time, anyone signed up will be able to access the Masterclass on replay for 4 days afterwards ❤️

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Meet Holly

Holly Campbell is the heart behind Chronic Fatigue Companion.

Having battled ME/CFS for 12 years, she understands the challenges of invisible and under-researched illnesses like ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, and Long Covid.

In a world where these conditions often leave us feeling forgotten and abandoned, Holly is here to guide you. Her mission is to help you build a meaningful, fulfilling life alongside illness. 


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